Domicilary Care 

What is Domiciliary Care?

With domiciliary care, you or your loved one can continue to stay in the place you feel most comfortable – at home. You may be starting to find it difficult to complete different areas of your routine and want some support whilst staying in familiar surroundings.

Regular home visits from a fully trained care worker, from 30 minutes through to several hours a day, can be arranged to help you with a wide range of everyday tasks, including:

  • Personal and continence care
  • Managing medication
  • Helping to mobilise in and around the home
  • Household tasks and meal preparation
  • Clinical care, including catheter and stoma management and PEG feeding

Who is domiciliary care for?

Domiciliary care is for anyone who wants to stay at home while receiving the treatment they need. This type of care can be beneficial to people of all ages. This treatment can include recuperation, convalescence, and rehabilitation, amongst other areas.

Our fully trained carers can provide medical support including catheterisation, convene, PEG feeding and suppositories, to name just a few. All our caring staff are managed by our team of clinical care nurses who will work with you to create a unique care plan – making your life easier as you receive care in your home.

We also work closely alongside district nurses and occupational therapists, when required, to ensure that we are able to deliver appropriate care that meets your specific needs - whether it be disability care, dementia care, nursing care or even companionship care.