Errands & Shopping

The Sevice we offer 

We provide services to assist with your day-to-day life, whether you are too busy to pop out to pick up your prescription or have an urgent errand that needs running. With special attention to only helping with the aspects you want by adapting to your changing needs, our support can make the world of difference.


Doing a weekly shop is an essential part of many routines but can also be a long and laborious process that many could do without. Your personal assistant can help with picking up a few essential items and can even accompany you to large supermarkets. Not only this, a casual day out browsing your local shops can be an even more enjoyable activity when there’s someone to share this with.

Attending appointments

Medical appointments can be stressful and fast-paced, so it can feel like you do not have time to take in all the information. It can be beneficial to have another person there to have a second pair of ears to pick up more details. They can also simply be there to offer companionship as you sit in the waiting room.

Picking up prescriptions

Remembering to order your long-term prescription and getting to the pharmacy can sometimes be difficult to fit into your week. The stress of running out of your medication can be alleviated through knowing you have the option of someone else picking it up for you. With your instructions, a personal assistant will be able to travel to your pharmacy and have your medication waiting for you when you get home.

Concierge services

Booking travel, making dinner reservations and providing information about local attractions are all things we can assist with. You may have a special occasion coming up which you need help organising or want to arrange a weekend away with a loved one. An assistant can be there to go over the finer details and make the important phone calls for you.

Admin and letter writing

Letters from internet providers, energy providers and the bank can pile up and seem unmanageable without someone to help you go through them. Your personal assistant can support you by organising and prioritising important documents and writing return letters if required.