Personal Care

What is personal Care?

Personal care for elders is the support and supervision of daily personal living tasks, private hygiene and toileting, along with dressing and maintaining your personal appearance.

Personal care may include:

  • Bathing and showering, including bed-baths
  • Applying lotions and creams as required
  • Dressing and getting ready for bed
  • Oral hygiene
  • Applying make-up, and hair care
  • Support with shaving
  • Foot care, especially if you are diabetic
  • Helping you to the toilet, including using a commode or bed pan
  • Changing continence pads, along with cleaning intimate areas
  • Support moving position in bed, to stretch and prevent bed sores
  • Changing or maintaining a stoma or catheter bag, or another form of clinical intervention

Arranging professional personal support

Sometimes personal care matters can be difficult for a close family member or friend to carry out, with some feeling awkward about a change in relationship or uncomfortable about completing the more intimate tasks. In instances like these, it can be much easier for a trained carer who is accustomed to supporting with personal care to step in and help. Choosing someone that your loved one feels comfortable with – whether they are male, female, young or old – means that the carer becomes a regular friendly face offering gentle encouragement, and even an extra source of support.